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  1. Hello  I am going to be laser engraving leather bracelets with words.  My son owns a large commercial sized laser machine.  We are worried about smoke damage and I have read quite a bit about preventing it.  We would prefer not using masking tape so I am hoping to find another option because tape damages the leather when pulling it off (plus is expensive). You mentioned using Pledge.  Can you explain.  Does that mean using pledge before laser engraving?  Then what do you do after laser engraving.  I also read on the leatherworking forum that Pledge is not good for leather.    Thanks for any help that you can offer.  

    1. Studio-N


      If the leather is chromium tanned, it is sealed so Pledge will not hurt the leather and gets the smoke residue off well.

      These days, I just wash them in the sink and let them dry (both veg or chrome). Or if it is undyed veg tan, just dye over it which hides the smoke damage.

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