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Everything posted by CollinsMS

  1. Thank you for the complements. I have never publicly displayed my work. Some friends encouraged me to share it so I built the web site and joined here.
  2. Leather Secrets by F.O. Baird is on ebay. 1 copy for sale
  3. There is one on ebay for sale now. That is were I found my copy. The do go for a big price. My copy was $150.00. I have a picture of it on my web site www.theleathercraftsman.com look under Legends In Leather
  4. I am a third generation leather craftsman. It started with Walter Newell my great uncle. He owned and operated the Newell Saddle Shop in St. Louis. He opened his shop in the early 1940's and built many great saddles. He was one of a few that produced saddles for Roy Rogers. During WWII he had contracts with the U.S. Government to produce items for the war. Leather working, and art is a dieing craft in the main stream of life. So much is mass produced and imported that it makes it almost impossible for true crafters to still produce goods and make a living at it. I am working on a web site to honor not only my past but to also showcase great works from other people. Please visit the web site and if you would like to see your work published drop an email. A link is at the bottom of every page. www.theleathercraftsman.com
  5. Gary the gun belt is fantastic. You were going for an old west look and I think you achieved it. I would love to post a picture of it on my web site, if your interested. Take a look and let me know. www.theleathercraftsman.com
  6. Very nice work. Leather art is my favorite. I do floral but just can't get into it the same are figure art. I would love to put this project on my web site. Please visit it and let me know an email link is at the bottom of the page.. www.the leathercraftsman.com
  7. Technically I am the 3rd generation to work with leather in some fashion. My great uncle owned and operated Newell Saddle Shop starting in the early 1940's. Please visit my web site www.theleathercraftsman.com
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