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Everything posted by Castineira

  1. Thank you Constabulary. Surely you are right. It seams the same that appears in manuals.
  2. Hi, two days ago i found near from my house an industrial singer machine that could be my next acquisition. when I went to see it the machine hasn't model mark and the serial number (MH 9112553) don't appears in the ismacs records. Next week I come back with some leather to try it, but I don`t know if I can move the stitch length and I wish see some manual instruction before the test. Someone could please let me kown wich model it is? If I purchase, my idea is use it for harness work. What do you think about? It could be fine? Thanks Merry Christmas for all of you
  3. Hi, thank your for your replies. Evo160k thank for the links, I already have the manual downloaded from: http://www.semsi.com.mx/manuales-de-servicio-maquinas-de-coser-industriales/manuales-singer/ They have a lot of manual from many brands. By the way I don´t knew that W series were made in Bridgeport, thanks for the information. dikman you are right I can find manuals and photos easily but nothing more.
  4. Last weekend i found in a junkyard a pretty pack of sewing machines. After half hour of negotiation I bought it for 140$. The pack includes four singer sewing machines (two 18-2, one 29k1 and one 108w20) one divider and one cutter for soles. Except the 29k1 and a 18-2 all the rest in working condition with a good cleaning. I search in ismacs page for serial numbers and I can´t find the 108w20 number (W585470), in fact, I can´t find a W serie. Someone knows an explanation for this?
  5. Hi everybody. Thank for your advices. After a lot of lubrication spray most of screws and parts was loosened easily but a few not. I attempted with freeze spray, blowtorch and impact screwdriver but it doesn't work. Now my next step will be try electrolysis and kerosene to disassemble completely. Probably I might had started with electrolysis as many of you said and save some hours. I know this for next time. Constabulary you are right, the missed parts replacement cost above 200€ if I buy it, but I can make some of them and reduce the total cost of restoration. I will try this restoration only for fun. I already have a 29k in perfect work condition.
  6. Yes, some parts are missing. At least the bobbin, part of the walking foot mechanism (you can see on photo number 3), tension bar and the bar who moves the pinions. This weekend I will to dissasemble it completly and then I could see how many parts are really missed.
  7. The last monday I had a unexpected gift. A friend of mine has a Singer 29K1 which not work at all and he called me to try solve it. The only problem was that the machine hadn't been oiled properly. when the job was done my friend came with another 29k (rusty and disassembled) it was a gift to me. Now i´m thinking in the restoration job. Suggestions are accepted. I must restore to her factory colors or change it (electric blue for example) More pics of the procces will be posted in this thread.
  8. Thank you all for your responses. In my research I have sent emails to everyone I've found that I could know something about this machine. Almost everyone I have replied that no information about this model. Answering Singer (very fast) was as follows: "Looks like this machine was manufactured by a company called White. Ismacs probably already told you that. I do not have any additional information on this machine." I try to look at the links that you have given me to see if I can get more info. Thanks.
  9. I think not explain right. I wanted to say is if you may any part of this mechanism and so worn that stitch length (I think I read something in some forum thread) the machine is in good condition externally. You've also been looking for information? You have a similar? Bobbin was removed at the time of the photo, I have all the pieces but the bobbin cover does not fit properly. I'm still looking for one that fit better (I think I've found in Henderson Sewing) Maybe but I´m not sure. It´s very difficult find any kind of information about this machine.
  10. I adjust the stitch length using the lever that you can see in the first photo (on the left machine side). That lever blocks the movement, and then I must turn the wheel to move the number of stitch length from -5 to 5. Do you mean this?
  11. Hello, first of all a presentation, my name is Pablo Perez I try to make all kind of leather stuff as hobby and for that I bought a time ago a pair of old singer sewing machines. One is a 29K1 and another is a 48w6, with this one I have few problems which I wish that someone can help me to solve. The information that I have about this machine is the next: Model: Singer 48W6 Serial nº: I can´t find it Description: One-needle, vertical hook, horizontal cylinder machines and have the balance wheel at the LEFT of the operator. Max. 1800 stitches per minute, (leather), 2000 stitches per minute (fabrics). For sewing fabrics and leather. (according ismacs page) The first thing is the difficulty to find any reference to this model, I only can get a list of spare parts and few suppliers addresses from Singer customer service. Someone have or know this model? Can someone provide me any kind of information about it? The other is the small stitch lenght which I can get, about 17 stitches per inch in the 5 position (in position 1 the leather don´t move at all), it could be because the machine is too worn. In this case what pieces I must try to change or repair. Thank to your possible help
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