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About Ladyk

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, Il

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    strap goods, purses, bags
  • Interested in learning about
    machinery, and finishing techniques and technologies
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    surfing the net
  1. Just curious, do you still have the singer 17-31? And if so do you want to sell it, how much? etc! Thanks
  2. Ed, It will in NO way work well on 4oz heavier leather, and I can't see it working at all on heavy veg tan, it only works on stuff thats super supple-garment grade leather. The knife doing the cutting is an old style disposable razor blade! Ladyk
  3. I use a tippman embosser with the cutting wheel with heavy leathers, it rocks! (it should for the price!) For the lighter stuff I use an electric scissors unless I am cutting strips and am going for accuracy then I use a head knife (once you get the hang of using and sharpning it's real easy to cut nice and staight with it!)
  4. Ed, Please read what everyone has to say about this tool, it's good at what it does but the types of leathers you wish to skive, pare, etc. are far too heavy for the Scharf-fix. It is good for garment leather nothing else; it's not a splitter. I personally wouldn't use it for anything but paring down 3/8" around an edge for making folds in very soft garment leather. You do have to change blades often or use expensive coated blades even with this light weight leather. As nicely engineered as ths tool is, when I move into a larger work space I will be getting a power skiver as others have described elsewhere in this posting. Although I will most likely never use it on heavy leathers it would non the less save me LOTS of time. If you do purchase this tool let me know and I will give you a few tips on how to use it effectively.
  5. The Scharf-fix is an excellent tool for paring and skiving garment type leather so you can easily make turned edges. Indeed it is finely engineered, it requires very little skill to use it proficently. If you wish to make turned edges on garment leather I highly recommend it!
  6. Ladyk

    Yankee Wax

    You can get 'yankee wax', sold as burnishing wax at shoeshineexpress.com. They also sell (fiebings) Reliable burnishing ink!
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