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  • Location
    The Land of Cotton...
  • Interests
    I'm sliding headlong into middle age and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Everything interests me... for a minute...<br />

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Truthfully, I seem to be best at poking myself with the needles...
  • Interested in learning about
    Holster-making, building on the firm foundation of my hard-won skill as a proud graduate of the Leatherwork Merit Badge program at Camp Aquila, c. 1982.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    A holster pattern I saw on Google Images led back here.

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  1. Somehow my post below got submitted three times. My bad. G.
  2. I've been sentenced to a wheelchair, at least for now, so while I go about wheeled I want to make sure I go about heeled. I can't use the holster I used to carry my Beretta Cougar in because the arm rests interfere with my draw from 4:00, and I'm afraid of appendix carry. Anyone can win the lottery, and I don't want to shoot my nuts off. I'm pretty disciplined with my firearms, but I've proven to be unlucky and my physical acuity is waning. (Spinal injuries are miserable. Avoid them if you can.) So I decided I wanted to go back to carrying in a shoulder rig, but I grew to dislike my old Galco, which carried the pistol horizontally, because I was constantly lasering the folks behind me. It was also an awkward draw. Back before I became disabled I had been a power lifter (saved my life in the big crash) so I have enough muscle around me that it's not easy to reach around and draw. I considered a cross draw, but it doesn't address the issue of what to do with the piece when I visit the head. I need a shoulder rig. So the point I'm getting at, in case my tags didn't give me away, is that I'd like to make myself a custom tanker holster. It'll let me carry more towards the front of my torso, and pointed at an angle toward the deck instead of at random innocents. Plus, it's a cool design. But I can't just take one off the shelf because my wife bought me a Colt rail Gun for our anniversary - and she is a keeper, that one (the wife, although the pistol is, too) - and I slapped a laser/light show on the rail, so nothing out there fits it. But I earned Leatherworking Merit Badge back in the late twentieth century, so I think I can make one of my own. But here's my question: can anyone tell me anything helpful about adapting existing designs to accommodate various dust cover-mounted gizmos? I was thinking about wrapping the pistol and laser/light in plastic wrap, and then wet-molding the whole assembly with a sheet of leather big enough to leave a substantial border, then laying it down on a tanker-styled shape and carving off what I don't need. (I'd add a large oval strap in front of it all with the old "US" logo, just as a respectful shout out to tradition.) Am I kidding myself, or am I onto something here? I'd be grateful for any suggestions, insights, advice, or dirty limericks. Thanks in advance. All the best, George
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