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Everything posted by BUBBA

  1. Yeah that makes sense to me. I may have to work on the patience thing. Thanks for your help. It sounds like the paperback may be the way to go to learn a few basics huh?
  2. On amazon.com a used book site. They list 3 different books by Grant. Which one would be best for a beginner. One of them is about braiding cowbay tack which is what i am most interested in. Would this be too complex for a beginner? Thanks
  3. Thank u all for your help. Is the Bruce Grant book a good book for beginners?
  4. Thanks for all the help. So is this knot called a terminal or a wall and crown knot
  5. Yes the knots they are referiing to are the ones at the ends. So is that knot a terminal knot.. Is there are good picture explantion anywhere that describes how to tie a terminal knot. Is that for sure what it is?
  6. If you will go to www.nrsworld.com and just type in rattlesnake knot into the search engine it gives you several examples of reins, headstalls that this knot is used. Thakns
  7. I just noticed a knot that is being used on western headstalls. They call it a rattlesnake knot. I know nothing about knots or braiding but am interested in learning. You can see the headstalls if you go to www.nrsworld.com and then go to tack, then headstalls. I believe it is at the top of page 3. It says Leather Browband headstall w/ Rattlesnake knot. I have a feeling that this is not a new knot, but maybe just given a different name. I would like to learn how to make one of these knots. If anybody can help me with this I would appreciate it. Thanks
  8. That looks like the knot. I have only seen it on the headstalls on the nrsworld.com site and there catalog. I have not seen one in person
  9. I have noticed a new knot used on western headstalls. It is called the rattlesnake knot. It looks to be four pieces of latigo tied together. This pic is a headstall on the nrsworld.com site. Go to the third page of headstalls and it is the 1st one. They have a few different headstalls with this knot. I was wondering if anybody knows how to tie this knot. Thanks for any info. Bubba
  10. Very simple, just basket stamped with my brand and hand sewn, but I think is still pretty neat. I use it everyday. Let me know what you think. Is there anything I should do differently or is there anything that i can do better?
  11. I will check tomorrow what size thread that it is that I'm using. I'll let you know
  12. Bruce I saw your ad that used to be on the USCRA Forum. I really like the rope can straps and hope you don't mind but I kinda stole your idea of putting the powder holder on the strap. I just made my first can covers the other day for my nephews and also made a strap for one of them. They live in Texas and they said that they had never seen anybody else down there with the powder holder on the strap. Your work is awesome. I saved your site to my favorites and visit it quite often to get ideas and compare my somewhat beginner work to a pro. Thanks I was wondering if you could email me so that I can send you a few pics of my can covers and straps. Maybe you could take a look at them and critique them a little. Maybe give me a few tips. Thanks Bubba
  13. I want to start making headstalls and western tack, as well dayplanners, spur straps etc. What is an example of a sewing machine that will sew heavy 10oz.+ leather. I need to find a used machine. How much would one of these machines cost used? Would anyone know where I can find one. Thanks
  14. That is pretty unbelievable. I have only been doing leatherwork for a couple of years but have started making a few dayplanners nothing as nice as what you are making. Everything i do is usually basketstamped, but am starting to learn how to do some floral carving. How do you dye the background a different color than the rest of your project? Do you paint it by hand or do you block out what you want to stay the natural color? I hope this all makes sense. I really want to lean how to do better work and learn new things. Thanks
  15. Are there any good books that teach the basics of braiding rawhide? I want one that is farly easy to understand for a beginner
  16. I noticed a new knot that is being tied on headstalls, I have only seen it in magazines and the nrsworld.com website. It is mostly used at the ends of a headstall where it attaches to the bit. It is a pretty cool knot looks like it is tied with 4 pieces of latigo. Does anyone know how to tie this knot. Thanks Bubba
  17. I saw in a tack magazine a headstall that had a rattlesnake knot that tied the two pieces together that hold a the bit. It looks like it is tied with 3 pieces of leather. I was wondering if anyone knew how to te this knot or where I can find somewhere that does. Thanks
  18. Thanks for your replies, but surely there is a way that you can do this without having to pull the hair from every thread. I'm not saying you guys are wrong, but is this something that everybody does and what is a gum eraser?
  19. I just got done hand sewing hair on cowhide spur straps for my daughter. I was sewing the cowhide onto a piece 3-4oz. leather. The problem I had was the small waxed thread was splitting the hair inbetween the holes. Once I got done they really kinda looked like crap. I hope someone can understand what i mean by my explanation and can help me to find a way to fix this. thanks
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