This is the first forum I have found that seems to have the expertice and willingness to help that may keep me from total frustration.
I have a four year old QH mare, foundation stock, who is exceptionally wide. This is the first horse that I have owned and I got a second hand saddle when she was in training a year and a half ago. It's a heavy, old saddle built on a semi-QH tree with no maker identification.
She has bulked up and this thing sits on top of her like a hat. I have been trying various saddles on her, but everything I've tried except for a 35 year old Billy Cook leaves large dry circles on either side of her withers.
I've tried a Crates, a Coates a Dale Chavez, one from Corriente Saddle Co. plus a couple of others.
I want a saddle that fits her and is within a reasonable budget ($2500 - $3000.00 max). I don't care if it is fancy, plan on using her for pleasure and trail - just for my own enjoyment. Most of the people at the ranch I am at are using cheap production light weight saddles and from the little I know about saddles, I think I would prefer to spend as much as I can manage and get the best saddle I can afford for my girl.
Saw a nice Leddy on, but he won't allow returns except for a store credit and although he says it will fit a wide horse, so has everyone else who let me try their saddles.
I have tried doing the wither tracing, but am not at all confident that I got the placement right and would love to have someone help me, but don't know where to look for a knowledgeable saddle fitter. The lady at our local feed store has offered to do a fitting, but I've am less than confident in her equine knowledge. The other woman I know who claims to be a saddle fitter said to go ahead and get the coates and not to worry about the dry patches, they only matter if they are small.
I am getting thoroughly frustrated and confused. Never thought getting a quality saddle that fit would be this hard.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm in San Marcos California.