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Everything posted by Rhome

  1. Thanks Eric, but how does one come up with the proper radius? I agree it does sound like a pain but I was wanting to at least try one. The belts I made were straight cut 7 oz. laminated.
  2. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone here can tell me how to measure and cut a curved or contoured belt like the ones Galco sells? Mucho thanks, Rhome
  3. www.comp-tac.com will sell you their plastic clips, as far as the other items I don't remember as I don't have my rolodex here with me in the Philippines.
  4. When I order leather i get shoulders and bends, I use the shoulders for my holsters and bends for belts, I order grade "A" leather which usually comes nice and smooth (clear). Also shoulders tend to stay stiffer longer and don't tend to stretch as much as other cuts of leather.
  5. Hi, what I do is punch my 2 holes with a 3/8" hole punch then use my 1 1/2" bag punch and double punch my slots.
  6. Sorry but I'm a computer idiot so here are a few more pics of my work that was supposed to be on my last post: Best, Rhome
  7. Hi, I'm Rhome of Desbiens Gunleather. I just now happened upon your site and think it's fantastic! I see some old friends here, and a few I recognize from other forums. At the moment I'm here visiting the Philippines waiting on official paperwork to be completed for my wife and daughter to come back to the states with me later on this year. In the mean time I've just been doing alot of R&D on holster patterns (gotta keep up with the times ya' know) since I've been here. Here are a few pics of my work:
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