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About Jaynkelley

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  • Website URL
    http://scout Leather works.com

Profile Information

  • Location
    United States

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Small case work and sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    Pattern making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Jaynkelley

    Glue pot

    I am interested in a glue pot for barge glue that is compatible with the thinner used with it. Does anyone have a brand to look for?
  2. I am looking for a good glue pot. I do not use it very fast and I don't want it to dry out. Thank you
  3. Scout Leather Works Jay Kelley Spencer Iowa
  4. This one has a star and no color my other post is a star and colored?
  5. Hello, I am inquiring about how this site sorts and in general gives priority. Some of the posts have a blue dot to the left some do not. Could someone please enlighten me?
  6. I am wanting to get to a more traditional area of leather work. I am having a hard time getting my awl through 3 or more layers of 2.5 to 3mm leather. I need help. Where can I look?
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