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Everything posted by itsnotyou

  1. Thank you I will post it on Reddit as well
  2. As I went through I found some did have a letter prefix so those would have been post "1963" if I am understanding dating Craftool stamps, but the majority were just 3 digit numbers. Had a few duplicates also. Camouflages #'s 428, 429 X 2, 431, 454, 709, 831, & C431 X 2 Veiners #'s 404, 412 X 2, 708 X 2, 821 & V407 X 2 Bevelers #'s 198 X 2, 200, 701 X 2, 702, 803, & B200 X 2 Pear Shaders #'s 209 X 2, 212, 911, & P205, P206 Background #'s 100 X 2, 101, 103, 104, 888 & A104 X 2 Seeders #'s 347, 348, 705 X 2, 706 & S724 Turn Back #'s 432 & 445 Mule Foot #'s 451 & 710 Shell Tool # 707 Sunburst # 300 Figure Carving Tool #'s 895, 896, 899, 902 & 975 Basket weave # 514 Flower Center # J716 Leave # L618 Butterfly # Z788 Seagull # Z781 Star # Z785 Geometric Tool? # 524 Border Tool? # 809 Stylist? # 59 I have 3 stamps with no makers markings or numbers 1 Mule Foot and 2 seeders I found a 1955 catalogue of Leathercraft Kits and Cut Projects from "TEX WEST Leathercraft Products" 1254 Kettner Blvd., San Diego 1, California they may have been purchased from them. Could not find any makers names or numbers on any of the swivel knives or lacing punches. There is a C.S. Osborne beader, a C.A. Meyers "The Awl For All", a H&S Mfg "Swivel Tip" and a stitching horse I am new to leather work stamping and carving and reading lots of posts trying to decide which tools to buy so this should help get me started Jack
  3. I picked these stamps up today at a garage sale. They are all old craftool stamps, not sure who made the swivel knives and most of the other tools. I was told that all the tools were bought in the mid to late 50's.
  4. I have for sale a Weaver Little Wonder press it comes with the 104 splash rivet setter. I has only been out of the box for pictures. I would like 300.00 and will ship to the lower 48 states for free if you don't mind me removing the handle so it will fit in a USPS Priority Flat Rate box. I have this also listed on eBay so if you are interested let me know so I can end the listing.
  5. itsnotyou

    Gore 021

    How much?
  6. How much?
  7. I would like to see your leather. I am local to you.
  8. Looking for die sets for the Weaver Little Wonder press.
  9. I am interested, how much and where are you located?
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