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Everything posted by Toshi

  1. Hi Chris! I happened to stumble upon this thread because im in the search of a good burnisher for my dremel. I I really would like to order from you if it`s possible, when the time is right. Also want to say that people who steal other peoples ideas and hardwork or break a trust like that really pisses me of and its actually quiet simple for me. Credit where credit is due, simple as that. Keep it up.
  2. Thanks for your advise. Neoprene is a close cell foam as well but one cant really shape it. But since it will be the last layer, it works for me. What kind of closed cell do you use? and where do you buy it? Since i live in Sweden i allways have to,( more or less) order from England or somewhere else. Best regards
  3. Hi! Im wondering what you guys think is the best material for seats. I just got a customer who want me to costomise his Herritage Springer seat. I cant find memorie foam in my country,at least not yet. Im not shure which quality i should aim for either. I have done some seats in the past (a few solo seats) and used neoprene for that purpose. For the inner layers im thinking of rebound foam, and the last layer must be neopren ( 3mm or 5mm). But the moore i learn i realize that i want to try memorie foam if i can find somewhere to buy it. I dont want my customer(s) to ride on crap.
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