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About viejo

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Making my leather scrap pile larger.....
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  1. I've been gone a while. Apologies. I came up with a design for a concealed weapon holster, made the leather version and was told I needed to patent it. I've filed the provisional patent, and am working on the finilization of the documents. Should be finished soon. It's going to end up being made out of plastic and nylon simply because I'm not going to be able to keep up with the requests with leather. If it all works out, I'll be back again with pictures and descriptions, and perhaps a short demo movie. Thanks to the board for allowing me to think outside the box to come up with this design.
  2. I went into my local Tandy shop a while back, and found about 3 square feet of some really beautiful elkhide (it's almost pure white). I bought it because it looks so good and feels really nice, but I don't have a clue what to do with it. I thought about making a vest, but don't have enough of the hide. I need some ideas. Bueller?,,,,,,,Bueller?
  3. It was just the one, but Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez did it hurt. Put me off of leatherworking until it quit. And everytime I went to stamp something (other than a basketweave) there'd be that part of my mind..... Anyway, the best part was saving over 450 bucks. That I can live with.
  4. Well, I think I've broken my last knuckle trying to get a clean imprint from various stamps, AND I didn't have to pay Tandy $500 bucks for it.... Harbor Freight had in stock an ARBOR PRESS that's good for 1000# press weight for 35$. It's about a dollar a pound, but I spent about 30 minutes last night and turned out a dozen coasters with seven stamps each and didn't even break a sweat. I LIKE IT!
  5. Here's another old one I had a request for..... Three blades into the same sheath...
  6. Thanks Doc. I'm afraid that now I may be addicted to that color scheme. I really liked how it turned out.
  7. I had this knife for about six months before I could come up with this design. The guy wanted it for a boot sheath, but he didn't want a clip on it. The tie-down was a 3 am, get out of bed and make it happen idea
  8. No fotos to show, mostly been doing mental work. Finishing up figuring out some details on construction of two different knife sheaths, I'll post pics of those when I get them finished. Then I get to come up with a shoulder holster (for me), that'll be fun. However, the thing I enjoyed doing the most was I had the opportunity to teach a holster building class at the local Tandy Factory Store. There ended up being about 8 folks there. They had been emailed instructions of how to set up the outlines of their guns (didn't want a store full of guns floating around) although I did bring a blue gun. During the two hours, I showed them how to pattern the gun using a manila legal sized folder. Then I whipped thru "designing" a holster. I spoke about thumb straps and tie downs, belt loops and boot clips. Then I cut a quicky holster out of some 3 oz that I brought for the purpose, stapled it together (to emmulate sewing) and dunked it in a pail of water for about 30 seconds. I shoved the blue gun into the holster and shaped it. That's what I think caught everyones attention. I also gave, as a resource, LEATHERWORKER.NET, I hope folks here don't mind.......
  9. viejo

    Maker Stamps

    I got mine last week. Looks great, I need to get used to what I need to do to make it look good when I stamp it (got a hint from Johanna last week). The only thing I think may be wrong is that it's on the backing plate at a slight angle (the angle of the handle doesn't appear to be perpendicular to the leather when I just stand it there and look at it). Other than that, David was very good to work with....
  10. My wife found this one day at work. It's my Grandfather's shop in Philly around 1890. He's famous for saying that the automobile was a passing fad.......
  11. Since I'm starting to get paid, I thought I'd put these here instead of hiding them elsewhere on the board.... Third a trio of "plain jane" holsters for Baretta M92's. These were asked for with no special tooling, decorations and to make them as identical as possible. Second, a holster for a Taurus Judge, the revolver that shoots .410 shotgun shells. First, my first ever knife sheath. In this case, the knife spoke to me to tell me what it wanted...... Never had one do that before....
  12. A friend asked me to make him a hatband, and I've got it pretty well finished except for the final, exact sizing and sewing the ends together. How do I attach it to the hat? It's fairly thin leather, I don't want to stitch it to the hat as the thread will be noticable. I've thought about stapling it, but he'd have to be wearing the hat at the time, and he's already told me he won't sit still for that.... Hot glue? I'm open to suggestions (although I still think stapling is the best way to go.....).....
  13. I think that Sporran is pronounced with a scottish brogue, and purse isn't...... As coming from Scottish ancestory, I think I can spill the secret, Sporran really means "man purse". That was a joke.....
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