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Everything posted by 00009999

  1. why is it so hard to join this site ? I have answered all the questions and when I answered the question about thee flag , it told me I was wrong. I know the colors of the flag, I am 50 years old , I was born here and I am not a damn robot, I just want to join because I am new at making belts and I am looking for advice, what is the deal !!!!!


    1. Johanna


      The board says you joined last November so I'm confused. But if I did hold up your registration it was only for a few hours and probably because of the display name you chose. We try to keep spammers off the board. Sorry for your inconvenience.

    2. RussInVegas


      I had the same problem, I believe it's a software glitch... I never received a conformation email so after a short while I tried to log in and voila! I WAS a member and didn't know it - now, I'm here every day, watching, listening & learning...

      Thanks for the site Johanna!

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