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Everything posted by kheart

  1. That is nifty sonorabitandspur! I've never seen anything like it before. Really cool, thanks so much for sharing!
  2. That looks really nice! Thanks for sharing! Would love to see the pictures. Sounds pretty interesting. If it would help you can email them to me at kheartmontana@yahoo.com and I can try to post them here too.
  3. Well, after some experimentation I've decided that 16 oz is about the thickest I can get to even fit in it. This is the one that I have. I definitely noticed some wander with the thicker leather. Good to know, thank you!
  4. Just curious. I'm new to this and am cutting reins from a huge 16/18 harness side. I wound up cutting them with a round knife. How thick of leather can a wooden strap cutter adjust to?
  5. Figured I ought to introduce myself. I'm very glad to have found you all, looks to be a great site! I was introduced to leatherwork in 4H many years ago and am now just getting back into it. I have a tack business (K Heart Tack - on the web and facebook) that I started a year ago after leaving a career as an aircraft dispatcher. I've roped and barrel raced pretty much my entire life, so you could say I've been a tack junkie for years too. I primarily make mohair cinches and breast collars but have been wanting to get a leather shop set up too. My husband and I just finished building a leather layout/cutting table and I am ready to go! My focus right now is mostly on making uptugs and reins. Looking forward to learning from all of you! Shauna
  6. I made one from a piece of latigo scrap I had, it was super easy! Does it have a name other than rolled button?
  7. I've been trying to find some more decorative or creative ways to tie the leather laces on reins and bit ends than the regular old knot that I've been using. Any ideas or examples of different ways to do it? Thanks!
  8. Will do. Next time I go to town I will snap a picture of it with my phone. It will likely be later this week.
  9. Thanks for sharing that page Thor. I do think that is what I've been seeing, a rolled button. Except instead of making it round with more layers like in the book, they are only folding it over 2-3 times before pulling it through the slits. I've been seeing it on some latigo leather bosal hangers and such.
  10. This describes what I've been seeing. That picture was the only one that I could find of something similar. When I saved the picture was titled something like rolled button and slit. Thank you! Would love to see it. Thank you!
  11. I've seen this knot a few times now, what is it called? And how do you make it? Thank you!
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