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Everything posted by Daemonworks

  1. I've had a request for fur-lined cuffs. Plan is for the main body of the work to be done in vegetan, then applying the fur with glue and hand-stitching. Sound like I'm on the right track? Anything in particular I should keeping in mind?
  2. It's died with Crimson Eco-Flow, and then Supersheen to finish as I mentioned. So antiquing will work on top of super sheen? I knew it was meant for similar things, but the examples I found weren't starting from dyed&finished leather. I'll have to head out to the Tandy and get my hands on some. The mark stamp isn't very deep at all... I think I may need to purchase a maul or something... I can do normal tooling just fine with the rawhide mallet, but stamps and strap punches never seem to work well, and that's the only thing I can think to try. Thanks.
  3. Hello all. I've got a piece that's been stamped, died and sealed with supersheen, but I'm finding the stamp isn't as visible as I would like it to be. I'm wondering about options to make it stand out more - perhaps something like a wash to darken the recessed areas, dry brushing to hilight the raised parts, and/or applying a metalic finish of some sort. I'm just not really sure what will work over top of supersheen - I don't want to risk colour transfer because I chose the wrong method.
  4. Daemonworks


    Does anyone have an actual list of online sources for various categories of goods? At the moment, I'm mostly looking for decorative hardware. The places I've found all specialize rather heavily in generic western and biker motifs, while I'm more interested in goth / industrial / steampunk / etc. sort of stuff. I'm specifically interested in things that are purely decorative, especially if they are more suited towards jewellery type projects.
  5. The images aren't displaying, so nobody can actually see the problem you're having... My only advice would be: use two-part rivits whenever possible, and use the setter & anvil that is made to go with them. I've only done a little work with eyelets, and have found that I can't stand the one-part ones - the back always splits and causes problems. Two-part eyelets don't have that issue. I haven't really made use of the "universal" setter by tandy - I grabbed a setter and anvil set made for the rivits I was working with, and had absolutely no problems.
  6. Those look awsome. Any chance of there being a version that lets the end-user put their own tooled leather blanks into the face?
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