Look at www.mecates.com. Sara Hagel and her family (the Douglas') are from Sheridan, WY and she does some really awesome stuff with her bridles. No bling or beads, but some really cool, retro, ferruling, etc. Also, although it doesn't look great forever, rawhide or latigo braiding looks great on a headstall for several years as do spots and bullets. If you don't ride in really brushy country and if you are super careful about the way that you do your headstalls the "pretties" will last longer. You can look on E-bay for the Hall books as they are from here in Wyoming. Also the TCAA (Traditional Cowboy Artists of America) has some great stuff on their site. Look up rodeo sites as well as they always have pics (action) of all the trendy tack. Hope that this helps. Have a great day!