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  1. thanks...appreciate it..
  2. Hey all, Just wanted to show some pics of the gas tank bibs that I have been working on...let me know what you all think..One bib was a native american theme and other one is the second coming of christ theme.... thanks
  3. Tim, what do you use on the back of the fender bib from scratching the paint? and how is it attached? thanks
  4. Hey dave, I have seen your work as well as roger's and I must say you guys both do some very nice work...anyway I am just starting out with working with leather and was wondering what oz leather do you use for the seat...I actually have a seat now that I am working on and was thinking about putting thicker leather on top and thinner leather on the sides..any info will be greatly appreciated.. thanks
  5. Thanks..I appreciate that..I only have been doing it for a month now so I have plenty of room to improve....
  6. thanks....I will keep practing...
  7. thank you so much for your adivce....What should I use and is there any specific technique that I should use when buffing the leather? thanks
  8. thank you...I swear to you that I only just started this...John, Yes they are my own design..thank you..thank you..I was always into art and went to art school for several years when I was younger...you are right, leather is just another medium to express your art talents..thanks....I never get tired of flames and skulls either....
  9. Hey all, I just got into leather tooling about 3 weeks ago..Here are few pics of 2 seats I am working on..its just the pics of tooling and not the complete seat. let me know what you guys think and what I can do to become better.. thanks
  10. Hey all, I am very new to leather working. Just started several weeks ago..anyway I just got done making a seat and dyed it black with super shene on top. Both are water based products. Now I see on some posts about buffing the leather? can someone help me understand this method? also I have a pecard's leather dressing. Do I apply that before buffing? or after? thanks
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