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Everything posted by orkan

  1. Thanks for sharing these and the Taobao links, multivitamins. I've been eyeing the 3.38 and 3.85 mm. I ordered the 2.7 mm by mistake (wanted 3 mm) but it's nice so I'm keeping it. These are my first irons so I can't compare. For sure, they get the job done. Here is 2.7 mm with 0.45 mm Amy Roke thread. I haven't tried with the 0.35 mm thread sample they sent Amy Roke has this pic on one of their listings to show stitching from their pricking irons range I want them all but must pace myself...
  2. Thank you for the recommendation. Will the polish only mask the damage temporarily or restore it? I don't expect fully stored but at least less gritty feeling
  3. One of my shell cordovan hides was stored with some papers against it. Four years later, I peel the papers off and the surface is gritty feeling and some color has come off. Is there a way to restore this?
  4. No problem! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work. Sent you a message. Thank you
  5. multivitamins, thanks for the tips! Do you think I should cancel my order and order directly from Atelier Amy Roke? I'm not keen on the 5% Paypal fee they mentioned in e-mail so I went to Taobao.
  6. Nice topic here. I'm looking to fill the gaps in my tool set and excited to find lesser known makes. Amy Roke is a bit cheaper on their Taobao shop so I blindly took the leap with my wife and Asia-based friends guiding (reading for) me. We chose the ship-to-Taobao option for 30 yuan instead of paying 30 yuan to Taobao to allow me to contact the seller to post. Yeah, maybe should have dealt direct via e-mail but it's a learning experience. Apparently, there are third parties whose business is to fetch your stuff from Taobao's warehouse and pass on to you. If Taobao/agents gouge us on US shipping or can't post to US, I'll just ship to a friend in Asia and figure things out later. I expect delays with their new year holiday. From the sound of their email, they don't have stock on hand and we have to wait for production to resume.
  7. These are beautiful! Are these still available?
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