Nice topic here. I'm looking to fill the gaps in my tool set and excited to find lesser known makes.
Amy Roke is a bit cheaper on their Taobao shop so I blindly took the leap with my wife and Asia-based friends guiding (reading for) me. We chose the ship-to-Taobao option for 30 yuan instead of paying 30 yuan to Taobao to allow me to contact the seller to post. Yeah, maybe should have dealt direct via e-mail but it's a learning experience. Apparently, there are third parties whose business is to fetch your stuff from Taobao's warehouse and pass on to you. If Taobao/agents gouge us on US shipping or can't post to US, I'll just ship to a friend in Asia and figure things out later.
I expect delays with their new year holiday. From the sound of their email, they don't have stock on hand and we have to wait for production to resume.