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  1. Thank everybody for the advice. I actually still need to finish tanning the hide, but feel much more enlightened to the task. I love the idea of a gun case out of back skin. Those sheaths look fabulous as well. The inlay technique seems like the way to go, frames out the reptile skin really well and probably helps a lot in terms of strenght and longevity, as well as getting more mileage out of the skin. I'll be asking more questions I'm sure! Thank you!
  2. I want to make one that is about 12" wide, 8" tall, and 4" thick. I checked out the wild things and there were some nice patterns. I think I'll base my design on their "evening bag" and elave out the ruffles or whatnot. I'm thinking of using some kind of fur on the inside, but worried it would collect debris. Her uncle is a trapper in Canada so going to give him a call - evidently beaver pelts have been hard to get rid of since the Dali Lama said something was special about beavers... Their fur is short and thick, shouldn't trap stuff... As far as a strap, would I just cut a strip, fold it over and sew it? Or should I sew the gator skin to another type of leather that may be stronger? Same goes for the rest of the purse, should the gator skin with a liner suffice? I will probably use back skin on the bottom since it is so tough, and side skin for the sides since it is the softest/ nicest pattern. Do I need something more than a sharp skinning knife, some shears and a sewing machine (probably more powerful than mine)? Would I glue seams then sew them, or just stitch them up? Would hand stitching be stronger than what a machine could provide? I've seen wooden leather awls, are these a good idea to get? Thanks for all the help, this is a GREAT site!
  3. So I'm not too experienced with sewing, but want to make a purse out of alligator skin for my girlfriend. I have the skin from alligators I've harvested here in florida and tanned myself. I have an old commercial sewing machine my father gave me. Can anybody point me to a good book or a tutorial, or some patterns on what I want to accomplish? Or even make any suggestions on a pattern? I may have some extra hide to trade for advice, as I have 2 hides tanned thus far, but have 3 more permits for gators this season. We're allowed 2 per person, and most of the gators are between 7 and 12 feet. Thanks in advance, Justin
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