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    holsters horse tack
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  1. Thank you for the reply. the die on the left 536/15. The other one reads 3275/15. Was wondering if a catalog from United Carr would still be around. I have numerous dies from them. Thank you again for the response.
  2. Need some information if anyone knows what these dies where used for. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  3. Has anybody installed a Servo Motor on this machine. It's a 30" longneck.
  4. Thank you for the responses. As usual all comments right on target ...I'm going to reiterate to him that you can't live on two streets at the same time. One for go one for show.
  5. Have a friend who has a blue Python. He wants a holster but his concern is the lining will wear the bluing. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  6. Just finished and ready to go to Mo.
  7. Never thought about the price of the gun and the cost of the holster. He's better off getting a cheap stock holster. I think I'll close my eyes and run for the woods. LOL
  8. Rickdroid, Thank you. Just made a holster for the Bersa . Thanks again for the clue.
  9. I wonder if this gun is similar to some of the more popular guns on the market today that I can copy.
  10. Need help anybody make a holster for a Hi-Point 9mm hand gun. Have to make a holster and the gun is not available. Not going to invest in a blue gun for one holster. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. 8 ounce but the back panel is lined with 3 ounce. I like a smooth appearance.No rough out showing.
  12. Out side the waistband for a Sig. Thank you for looking. Comments appreciated .The inky way to learn
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