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    Working with wood,leather.

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    still learning
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    leather hand stich backpack,massenger bags
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  1. Thanks for reply,the top part is solid and don't get expend while tight.
  2. Hello All, I am restoring this Fortuna model10A leather skiver,I am having trouble with understanding how the bell knife sharpener stone is held on the shaft it looks to me it was glued on when I tried to remove it from the shaft it broke in half stone measures 70x7x17.5 could anyone please confirm me if it glued on or there's any other part to keep it there.Thanks
  3. What a great person you are Glenn tonns of thanks for helping me out.
  4. Please check your PM box I have sent you my email.Thanks
  5. Thanks a lot .
  6. Could you please send me measurements of it I can make it,just the spring steel and the adjuster is mild steel I do have milling machine and lathe to do the job I only need the dimensions please. Thanks
  7. Thanks for reply, I don't have this long spring and the adjuster thinking to make my own simple enough to make if I can get the dimensions of the long leaf spring and adjuster pleas help. Thanks
  8. This machine looking great I am fixing my 29k2 which is missing parts I have ordered most of the parts except the leaf spring and adjuster one of great member on here offered me the help and parts but I want to fix this machine cheap l am looking to make this spring by myself if I can get the measurements as well as the breaket measurements here are some pictures of my efforts.
  9. I just bought 29k2 sewing machine few parts are missing also missing the whole assembly showing in your pictures could you please tell me if I can buy this part it looks like a leaf spring and looks like easy to make one please guide me. Thanks
  10. You can also check there website Makermag.com
  11. In Brazil there is a company who make parts for old pfaff and other machines ,try them hopefully they have it. marketing@makermaq.com.br there email,
  12. I still have to make a slot on top of the mount so front plate sit behind the mount.
  13. I made the front mount,will figure out the front cover trying to upload the pictures of mount I made.
  14. Hello All, I have Pfaff 191post bed sewing machine i found this machine from a shoe making company they want to throw it in the metal bin this machine missing feed dog arm,feed dog,throat,pins,front and side cover,outside holding bracket for post ,after searching almost 2 years i found feed dog and arm,i made my own pins,made side cover,i am now ready to make front cover which have a screw with the jam nut what this screw actually do and how far is this screw from the top if i can get the some measurement of the front cover i can make this plate, I am also facing some issues when i installed the feed dog arm with the feed dog it sits almost 7mm far away from the needle please help me.Thanks
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