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  1. Thank you all for the responses! I've definitely been cutting the Resoline 50/50 for a while now, it's way too shiny if you don't, plus it makes for faster drying imo. But I'll make sure to now only use a coat or two, I actually didn't know that applying too much might cause this, I might also try bag kote, I see lots of ppl using it here on this site. THANKS!
  2. Okay y'all, so I'm a newbie to this forum and I'm still trying to navigate through the pages, so if this is something that has been resolved or answered, just kindly if y'all will link me to the response! So my delema is that I've been using acrylic resoline as a finish on all my leather goods that I make, which overall leaves a good presentation, as far as sheen and sealing/protecting goes. But what the problem ends up being is that once you bend the leather around say for a belt or like a watch strap, the Resoline seems to wrinkle and actually crack over time and use. Have any of you had this problem before? Is this just how it works out, and if it is, is there something somewhat like acrylic res that I can use? I'll drop some pics for y'all so y'all can see what I mean.
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