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Big Papa Leather

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Posts posted by Big Papa Leather

  1. I think I will try lacing the next time I use it.

    I went back and ised a dremel with a sanding bit and "softened" the edges a bit and recoated them. It looks good and not as sharp feeling. I too used the back to punch the holes after trying the front and the pebbles shattering. The stitching followed the less than uniform nature of the pebbles.


  2. Looks great Jordan. I hope to get to the point my skills are so that I may attempt such a project.

    May I ask is the holster and belt meant to be carried/worn. Or is it more for show? The reason I as is the retention

    snap that far down the holster might present a problem in a tactical drawing situation.

    Just the gun nut cop stuff left over in me. I have a tendency to see everything in a tactical, how can I use this to

    kill sumpthin mentality. :crazy:

    Looks great and I would wear it around the property with no problem, but prolly unsnapped. :evillaugh:

  3. I bought a stingray hide off Ebay a few years back. It sat in the gun safe for a few years. It originally was going to be a leather handle cover for an old Navy knife I re-did. Anyway instead of doing the ray skin I just put stacked leather as the original had.

    I was playing around Saturday and cut off a chunk to make a money clip for my son. Cutting it was a bear! Then once it was cut, sewing it was even tougher than I expected. I ended up using a 4 prong diamond hole tool to punch through from the backside to keep from crushing and fragmenting the little black pebbles. The stitching is kind of ragged looking due to the irregularities in the pebbled surface. Anyway back to my orginal point.

    Question # 1

    On the cut edges the cut pebbles had a white crust look where some were cut through or shattered. I used a regular old edge dressing to blacken them up and make it presentable, but I know that will wear off with time. How do you properly address this cut edge of the ray skin?

    I'd add a photo but my son saw it and high jacked it immediately upon reailzing I was done stitching. It will take an act of congress to get it back even long enough to photo!

    Question #2

    I still have quite a bit of hide left and the ever so valuable diamond pearl section in the middle. I want to use it in a wallet later once I get more confortable with the stitching (making it straighter and more even in length. Even by using the punch/prong took, sometimes the pebbles only give and the stitches ran a bit longer which made the next stitch look short? Does that make sense? Does anyone have a finished stitching technique that resolves this issue?

    Thanks in advance!


  4. I know this is all subjective and up to descisions each crafter should make, but I have looked on Etsy and other craft type sites and found pricing from the ridiculously low to the obscenely high. I am looking at your staple leather goods, belts, wallets, small handbags etc.

    On the lower end if these were made from kits the wallets are being sold for cost in some instances.

    On the other end, whoa..... 8X markup.

    Just as some of the other threads mentioned 2X material cost is understandable.

    Then an acceptable labor rate correct?

    Now I'm not knocking anyone who is commanding primo $$$ for thier work. If you can get it more power to ya I say.

    Just looking to find a happy medium for me if I decide to sell my stuff. Right now I'd have a hard time giving it away.

    Just a little insight would be appreciated.

    PS if you want you can contact me off list on this subject....

    scissormedic at gmail dot com.


  5. Hello all,

    Here is an attempt at carving a koi. I really nned to invest in a couple bevelers and other tools. This was all done with a swivel knife, pear shader and a figural shader. One day I'll get the right tools (maybe tomorrow) LOL.

    I chose too dark a stain and the scales do not show as much as I would have liked.

    It is a practice piece so if you critique be gentle. Ha HA

    Also I went really small. Maybe I should try to do designs a bit larger?

    Next time I think I'm also going to cut the scales then tap them with the pear shader to get more texture.

    Week 3 and I am definatley hooked.




  6. Hey Sam,

    I took a western floral carving class from a Longhorn Guild member. I am absolutely aweful with names.

    Bill maybe? At Tandy there in Austin last Saturday.

    I might join ya'll next meeting... if I can remember the date ya'll meet.

    Second Tuesday?



  7. For the swivel you could use a radio type swivel used often in Law Enforcement Duty Rigs.

    The radio extends down and needs to swivel in order to sit.

    The slotted male portion has to be rotated around in order to be released from the female holder. It would be easy to

    incorporate into the holster and belt. The if needed the beer holster could be removed from the belt and other attachements could be made to replace it. Maybe a larger holster for a 5th of Whiskey. In the case of hammers, maybe you can swap it for other tool holders.

    At $3.50 or so they are pretty reasonable.




  8. Hello,

    My name is Allen. I am new to leather crafting. So new that I have only about 2 weeks under my belt. Actually I want to make a belt so I can but some weeks under it. ( insert rim shot here)

    Anyway, a bit about myself. I am a pretty diverse type dude. I enjoy 4 wheel drive vehicles, Guns, knives, and other stuff. I am a father of 3 great kids and married for 16 years. I have been in public service most of my adult life, Military, emergency medical responder (paramedic) and Law Enforcement. After many, many years of dealing with other peoples misery I decided I had to do something different. Started my own business and finally starting to have a little more faith in humanity. (yeah, I know kind of dark, but true)

    Anyway, I hope to learn alot. So far I am impressed and intimedated by some the the great stuff on here.

    I have something to strive for that is for sure.

    Please bare with my questions if they are newbi' ish at times.


  9. I'm not sure if I am ready to post anything, kind of intimidated by the shear awesomeness of some of the stuff I have seen on here.

    This is the first ever anything I did in leather. Did it last Monday. On Saturday I took a leather carving class that focused on Western Floral so I took alot of great info away from that class.

    Anyway here is my first of what I hope to many items.


    I have since learned to not let cut line cross ;)

    Also about using bevelers and the other cool tooling tools.

    Anyway, When you stop laughing let me know what you think.



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