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Everything posted by m9andg27

  1. No. I thought i would prefer it unlined but now that it's all together I think it would be a nice addition. The raw inside feels a bit too unfinished.
  2. Well the Well, that company didn't work out. They only do exports and even though it is a Taiwanese company they do their manufacturing in China. As far as this machine in the picture i confirmed that it is a DY-350. He said that the parts that it is running great and that i could use it everyday and then leave it to my kids. And even if there is a problem he said he would do most repairs for free. He will set it up and let me try it out in a few days. Any tips on what to look for since I've never used one before? Thanks so much for the help so far! (by the way the US$566 includes the table, motor, and everything totally setup and delivered to my house. I don't know if that makes it a good deal or not.)
  3. So the the CK- 8BL is a clone of the Consew 206RB? I just sent the company an email to ask about buying it here in Taiwan. I couldn't find any local results in the internet marketplace..
  4. Local people don't get into crafts, so i can't go pick up a consumer machine. And i don't quite know how to get into the market for an industrial machine. There is only one small craft store that i know of in my city of 1.3 million people. Bicycle riding is pretty big, but mostly people do nothing. They go to work and go to department stores or parks on the weekend. The guy I buy my leather from doesn't even have a machine and he couldn't tell me the name of one person who might be helpful... It's really quite sad...
  5. The problem is that there is no local demand for the items. The Janome factory is twenty minutes from my house but i can't buy one of their particular model's I want anywhere. What are some of the Taiwan clone companies that make them? Perhaps i could visit the factories and try to convince them to sell to me. Thanks!
  6. As far as I can tell it is a Mitsubishi DY-3xx series. I'm not sure if it is a DY-340 or a DY-350. or something similar. It is old and was made in Japan.
  7. I have made several cotton quilts but this is my first time making a bag and working with leather. It was very helpful to make a canvas bag first for practice.
  8. Hi! I've been thinking about getting a leather machine but I’m a little afraid because I’m just getting into leather. I've found a machine as in the picture. I think it's a double feed since the needle doesn't move. He wants USD$566 for it (imported things here they usually mark up 40% so I wouldn't be surprised if it's not a good price, but there's nothing I can really do.) Anyway my question is if I were to buy this machine could I also quilt cotton quilts on it? That being the top pieced fabric, the batting, and back fabric, so three layers of cotton one of them thick. My regular machine has a walking foot attachment to keep the three layers in the same place but it doesn't work great. I imagine this would work wonderfully if it didn't tear the fabric. Does anyone have any experience? Right now I quilt more than I do leather because working with leather is really hard on my Janome Jem Gold 660. Thanks a lot!
  9. I bought a little Eastpak that was great for a while but it started to fall apart so i decided to redo it in leather with a few personal tweaks. I made a canvas bag first to test my skills that came out great. The leather one was a lot harder since i'm just using a cheap home sewing machine. But overall I'm still fairly happy with it.
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