Hi! I've been thinking about getting a leather machine but I’m a little afraid because I’m just getting into leather. I've found a machine as in the picture. I think it's a double feed since the needle doesn't move. He wants USD$566 for it (imported things here they usually mark up 40% so I wouldn't be surprised if it's not a good price, but there's nothing I can really do.)
Anyway my question is if I were to buy this machine could I also quilt cotton quilts on it? That being the top pieced fabric, the batting, and back fabric, so three layers of cotton one of them thick.
My regular machine has a walking foot attachment to keep the three layers in the same place but it doesn't work great. I imagine this would work wonderfully if it didn't tear the fabric.
Does anyone have any experience? Right now I quilt more than I do leather because working with leather is really hard on my Janome Jem Gold 660.
Thanks a lot!