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Everything posted by westwood1

  1. Yes I was looking at horse hide today an thinking about it as well!
  2. May have posted in wrong sec. but looking for what would be absolutely best leather to use for gun belts see people use various things from bull to bend veg? Any input and or other types to look at. And sources to buy thank you
  3. Hello was curious about best type of leather to use for a gun belt/ heavy belt. Read a double bend would be best. What others are good for this? Any input or source to buy said leather would be appreciated!
  4. was curious about any experiences with company “industrial sewing machine man” I have looked an was not able to find much in feed back on experiences including here prices on the cowboy are the lowest currently
  5. Please email me if this is still available ccinfinity25@yahoo.com
  6. Any advice on other machines I should be looking to buy?
  7. Ok so I am so close to ordering a new machine. I live in Portland or so is not much in way of industrial machines. So I decided I want a cylinder arm and really torn between the cb3200 and Tech sew 3650 or artistan toro 3000. or what other arm machines that would be similar would should I be looking at? I’d like to stay around the 1600-1800$ is just so many many machines old and new is almost mind boggling. want to be able to use it for holsters knife sheaths all way to lighter leather purses the wife wants to sew
  8. I am looking at the same machine in Everett.. I am looking for same capabilities and really can not decide if want 206rb or a techsew 2700 have been reading and searching for weeks trying to narrow right machine what other machines would be good!? I have tried calling bob Kovar twice to see what he has Ava.
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