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    Retired Sewing machine dealer
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  1. Al, You say you hav a 132k6 but no instruction manual. Looking through various post in this and other forums it would seem that none are available, only parts manuals for this machine. Can I ask you if you would be good enough to take some close up photo's of the side of the machine showing the walking foot mechanism with the foot up and down.and send them to my email address r.djenkins@btinternet.com I will then make an instruction page for it. and make it available to others. Bob Jenkins
  2. You are right of course but it is still called a 'walking foot' machine by many.
  3. Thanks Trox but I have these manuals in my very large collection of industrial manuals and information database. The 132B26 is the same as the 132k7 and is the normal drop feed version, the 132k6 is a walking foot machine. I cannot find any instruction manuals for any of the 132k class (except the B26) or the 31k19 and 47 which are the walking foot versions of the 31 class. I know these machines very well and have recconditioned and sold many of them before 'retiring ' from the business in 2001. I have noticed a lot of enquiries for these manuals oin this and other sites but have never seen any offered. If none are available does anyone have any of these machines and could they take some close up photo's. of the walking foot mechanism with the foot up and down thenI can construct an instruction page for both machines which can be added to the drop feed manual. and made available to anyone. Bob Jenkins
  4. Am looking for Instruction and service manualsl for the Singer 31k47, 132k6 and 132k7. can any one oblige? Bob Jenkins
  5. I have been in the trade for 68 years and have not come across a Singer 231K machine and I can find no reference to one in my needle reference books. There is a 231- machine made in USA which is a feed off arm machine. This is not a walking foot machine. Have done a little research and asked around and have concluded that the wrong class number has been given and the machine is probably a 132k6 ( reverse the number) if it is a walking foot. Dannybob
  6. I have been looking for a manual for the 132k6 myself and would be quite willing to pay a reasonable price for an original or copy. I am a retired sewing machine dealer. Started as an apprentice mechanic in 1942 and have experience on many types of machines, industrial and domestic. The first machines I worked on were the 31k15, 81k3, 111w 138w etc. which were quite modern then. As it was during WW2 it was very difficult obtaining parts (even needles) so we had to really ' make do and mend' I have a lot of manuals and reference material collected over the years and hope to contribute to your site. Dandybob
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