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About Johnnyjack777

  • Rank
    New Member

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LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Tooling, Lasercut work
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  1. Splash rivets and "Press studs/spikes" Thanks so much guys! (Couldn't find a way to thank without bumping thread, sorry!
  2. Hello! Does anyone recognize these fittings? I have a lot of Leather made by mass production and Other people from back in the day.... and I notice Most of the rivets and spikes on stuff are of a different design The Rivets? appear to be a Single cap type? but with the back like, Flowered? out, rather than peened or Split? The Spikes appear to have a "Tack" like Jean Buttons and rivets do (faster application, less chance to unscrew like a screwback thing does?) (I ask because especially if they are cheaper or easier to mass-apply... I want them! and google has no answers
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