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Everything posted by Mpreusse

  1. Very nice looking. I wish mine would turn out that well.
  2. So I'm just curious if anyone has used a butcher block or cutting board conditioner for leather. I have two different products that are essentially the same. They have beeswax, carnauba wax, and mineral oil. The mineral oil is the only thing that scares me. I've searched and find varying answers about mineral oil. Thanks for any advice.
  3. Yeah it has been a good learning experience. Very simple design so I shouldn't have screwed it up....But I did. Well thanks for the encouragement.....Now to see if I can finish and start on the good one for a friend.
  4. Thanks for the advice. And yes it was way to wet. I got a lot more detail out if after it dries up a bit. And I did keep the pattern I made so it will be modified.
  5. Well I learned my lesson, it was a pain to finish but I got it all stitched. Just waiting on the clips to come tomorrow so I can layout where I want it. I may just end up putting a belt loop on the back and using it as a own holster, but who knows at this point. It was more of a test to see if I could actually make one. And yes, it's still wet from molding it. I was too excited to wait to take pictures. And I will probably add some stitching to the trigger guard area to tighten it up.
  6. So....I messed up and glued and stitched this holster together before I stitched the stiffener piece on. I was just too excited and wasn't paying attention. What are my options. Saddle stitching is going to be very difficult in certain spots. Is there any other stitch I could do with maybe a curved needle? Thank you in advance for any insight and feel free to insult me if you want.
  7. Wow, the detail is astonishing. I would love to be able to do that one day
  8. Thank you for the advice. I wanted to do a second coat but everyone that saw it just loved the"worn/antique" look. Haha, little did they know it was just poor dye application.
  9. Hey everyone, my name is Mike and I recently decided that leather working was a hobby that I wanted to try. I really enjoy it and still have a lot to learn. Here are a few of my first projects. Feel free to critique them if you want. Thanks Here is the inside.
  10. Very nice. Much better than anything I have done...but I just started two weeks ago.
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