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Everything posted by Katlyn4jc

  1. Hi there, l am trying to get this color ( see picture attached). I have tried mixing and diluting different stains but l have not been succeful. It's really a lighter brown as shown in the lmage attached. Any one that has worked with this color before? Please help. Thanks
  2. Thank you friends, I appreciate it.
  3. Hi friends, l am a new user who is seeking to know what l can use to dilute the pro oil dyes to get the color l am looking for. I am thinking since they contain oil water wouldn't be a good fit. Please advise. thank you
  4. Thanks friends. What sealant works base for leather that is to be laser etched?
  5. Oh yes, l mean the other parts of the leather that are not to be etched. Are they affected in any way? Let me edit my question thanks
  6. Hi friends, l am would love to first paint /stain my vegetable Tanned Learher and there after take it in for laser engraving. I don't want the etching process to affect the color of my leather. Can anyone recommend a seal that will protect the leather or even take me through the process if they have done it before. I appreciate all your help and advise friends. Waiting to hear and learn from y'all. Thank you.
  7. Hi there, l did color in filling on text that was laser etched on my dyed veg tan leather. I did this so the lettering my pop. But it kind of made a mess and spread into the other areas. How do l clean it up from the other areas without affecting the lettering ? Thanks y'all
  8. Thanks so much
  9. Thanks so much , l appreciate it guys. l am learning so much from y'all. Will Martha Stewart Acrylic paint work? Are they some of the recommended products
  10. Has anyone used the rub n buff metallic paints sold at Michaels or hobby lobby on their veg tan leather project ? share your experience and the kind of leather
  11. Thank you, thank you all your so kind
  12. I am looking at having different shades of light brown. How don't do that? What dye or stain will give me those results and do l use brush, dauber or sponge.
  13. Thanks Matt. I work with laser engraved leather so l need a rich background but at the same time need my lettering to pop out. What advise would you give inorder for me to achieve the above ? What are HO paints ? thanks
  14. Hi there, Has anyone ever tried to mix Eco Flo water stain with Eco Flo gel antique? If so was the result nice. Is it possible anyway. The other thing coming up with my staining process is that even with the same dye, leather cut from same huge piece , I get different results. Can someone help me explain this. Thanks all for your kindness
  15. I did not case. Thanks
  16. Hi!! i just got my veg tan leather etched or engraved and ready to be painted or dyed. I realise it's kind of stiff or hard. How do I soften it alittle bit? Do l do that before or after the dying process. it also has some dark colouring from the etching. How do take those off. Thanks
  17. Do you use these before or after painting and sealing. Please take me through the steps
  18. Thanks. Are they permanent and if possible please share a picture of your work
  19. Thanks. Wow that so much time indeed. Was hoping there would be a rub n buff technique or silver metallic pen that would do the magic
  20. how do i achieve that look. struggling with painting/giving the tiny tiny letters silver. can someone help
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