Up to this point all I have done is practice tooling and I want to move into some practice dying, sewing, snaps and hell I want to make something...lol. I have chosen a double knife sheath. I have one which is my Gerber hunting knives but they are in a nylon sheath so I will copy the sheath that they are in for my pattern. I did put a little basket weave tooling in it though. I will be staining in Fiebings choclate dye. At this point the pattern has been made and leather cut and tooled as much as its going to be.
The box of Dye states to use Fiebings deglazer. I do not have this. Is this a requirement or a sales tool? It also says to dye while still damy from this cleaning. If I dont use the deglazer do I still do my dying while the leather is still damp from the casing/tooling process? I guess what my real question is WHEN DO I DYE?? do i let the leather dry after tooling over night or give it a couple hours and then i can dye.