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Everything posted by ChristinaFjala

  1. Hi everyone, I'm a 24 year old girl from Austria/Europe and started playing around with leather a year ago! My resent project was a bosal - made with the book and supplies from Gail Hought, material was kangaroo leather. I'm somewhat satisfied with the result und would like to continue learning braiding bosals, preferably I would like to stick to kangaroo for a while as I've found I was confident with braiding with it. However, I have no idea where to get supplies here in Europe. I would also need some rawhide to build the inner core. For all other projects where I only needed some skirting leather, I've ordered from "SoftArtLeder" https://www.softart-leder-shop.de/btc/ but they do only carry one color of kangaroo (black). Where do you European guys order your bosal supply? Do you think I can start with some other leather types provided by SoftArtLeder for the beginning? Any tip is highly appreciated!! With best regards, Christina
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