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    Leather work, fishing, rc car building

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    None as yet
  • Interested in learning about
    Billfold and handbag construction
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Springfield leather

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  1. I've heard references to snap guards on thumb breaks, for holsters, i'm new to the craft, so wondering what they are? How do you make one? Etc. Do you just cover it, ?
  2. I have also been looking for g40 holster patterns and moulding guns. With no luck. Do not want kydex which seems to be popular. Most of the suppliers seem to be out of stock. So if anyone has ideas ......?
  3. Hi guys, new to here, but had a few questions maybe you can answer. I am trying to make a pancake style holster for a close friend. For a glock 40mos, and can't seem to locate a pattern for it. Also is pancake style ok for that gun? Thanks in advance.
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