Time I introduced myself, I've been looking around the various parts of the forum for week or so.
My names Charlie I'm new to working with leather but have already made a few knife sheaths, I know the projects I've made have errors, I have been using leather I was given having been reclaimed from an old saddle. Two were from new veg tan, I've since learned it wasn't great quality, guess that's part of the learning experience.
Almost everything has been learned from YouTube! I am a visual learner and am very greatfull to those who take the time to plan/make/edit & upload their knowledge and share it for new comers to learn.
I have not actually purchased dedicated leather tools, I have been given a couple of items which have been gladly accepted and appreciated. (English style stitching clam also Chinese stitching irons, Apart from that I've opted to use what's at hand or make/modify other tools using basic hand tools and the odd power tool, I had great enjoyment from this process.
These items include my version of diamond awls which were re shaped from vintage (ruined) woodwork awls. They work great, however using them is defiantly a skill I must learn, at least to use them consistently & will be used in in conjunction with the stitching irons in future, because those irons bend easily.
A few days ago I made a half round/head knife from an old decorators scraper, it had a nice thick blade so it did not flex. Its now razor sharp and works well on the scraps I've cut so far while testing it.
Quite a few stamps from 5" nails, most were made using a borrowed jewellers fret saw along with the hand files I have, I did use a dremil on a few but not many. Making those was defiantly a learning curve and very enjoyable, it's amazing what your perception of the stamp should be when you look at the stamped impressions online without seeing the actual tool sold for the job, Ive made some which give a similar Impression but the stamp I've made is nothing like the actual tool sold. Obviously I'm aware what I've made may not compare to shop sold ones however they are functional if only for my introduction to the hobby. I now have possibly 60 home made stamps all it's cost me is about £8 and time spent making them.
Blue tack or children's modelling clay is great for testing home made stamps and does not cost you in leather while trying to refine its shape.
thats enough rambling on from me...
I shall post pics asap possible as I only use my phone for the internet which may prove awkward.
The last sheath was a gift to a friend for his vintage Bowie. (photo wasn't great it didn't show the definition in the stamping well)