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About oyvindbl

  • Birthday 12/29/1970

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    A little of everything has to be tried
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    mostly everything
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    link from Pslac

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  1. When the articles about building the Stohlman workbenches was printed in 1969, there was also 4 pattern packs with the patterns for the Wood inlays for sale. Does anyone have these for sale, or the possibility to copy or scan them ? I would love to have these patterns for woodworking.
  2. I took some pictures. Hard to see in the mess now, but the the Singer 45K68 is seems to be on a homemade welded stand with a wooden topplate. The Allbook Hashfield Fur sewing machine and the Singer 29K4 seems to be on original table and stand
  3. I have also found a singer 16k56 in the shed. It seems to be stuck. I can't find any information on this model, so any info would be great. And she has a Pfaff wich is marked 192 638 L. Can't find any info on that one either.
  4. Thanks for your advice. I am going to her house in a few days. Will try to take some pics then.
  5. I live in Norway and my mother have been a shomaker and have a few sewing machines. She has quit her business many years ago but the machines are still there, and she would like to sell most of them. Iwould like to keep a sewing machine for sewing some belts and bags, but don't know which to keep for this. She has a Global sewing machine for thin leathers and heavy fabrics which she keeps herself. She also has the following machines: Singer 29K4 Singer 45K68 Singer 45K21 Allbook Hashfield fur sewing machine Fortuna Werke skiving machine Pfaff industrial sewing machine (can't see the model number) And a huge green grinding machine with several polishers and grinding wheels and dust collector tray. Which of these machines should I keep to use for leathercraft as a hobby (I am rebuilding a 18 feet x 9 feet room to use for this), and are the rest worth trying to sell?
  6. I think moose leather might be a bit too stretchy. It will propably loose some of the shape after a while. Reindeer leather is much firmer and keeps the shape better. But it is also a bit harder to sew.
  7. Sitting with my leg on a stool because of a small surgery in the knee. Just 2 positive things about it: I got to know what's wrong in it, and I had the time to sew a small lappish reindeerskin bag.

  8. Hørte rykter om at du hadde vært i USA og lært salmakeri der. Høres kjekt ut. Har tenkt noen ganger at jeg skulle stoppe for å se hva du lager da jeg kjører forbi, men jeg er alltid på vei til eller fra en avtale. Men jeg bor på Bruhagen, så det er jo egentlig ikke lange stubben.

  9. Problem solved! They mailed it to me immediately. That is better customer service than I am used to here in Norway.
  10. I purchased the DVD from Hidecrafter, but the pattern was not complete. I got the left part of the main pattern and the foreground pattern, but I am missing the right side of the main pattern and the pattern for the big foreground trees. Does anyone have these available. I can pay for a copy of them and the shipping. Rgds Oyvind
  11. I am missing some Doodle pages, and I hope someone have some of these to sell me. I live in Norway, and I can pay by paypal. My email adress is: oeyvi-bl@online.no I miss some more pages than I list here as well, so please feel free to send me an email if you have some doodle pages to sell. The pages I am looking for to buy is: Series, page, Author, Title 1C 2 Gene Noland "Wild Bronc Riding" Pt 1 1C 3 Gene Noland "Wild Bronc Riding" Pt 2 1C 4 Gene Noland "Stamping Traditional 1C 5 Gene Noland "Thunderbird" 2D 02 Ben Moody Morning Glory 2 3D 03 Dennis Noland Hand Carved Rifle Sling 3D 10 Tim Grothem Add a Little Country 4D 12 Christine Stanley Horse Head and Oak Leaf Wallet 6D 03 Ken McAdams Morning Glory 11D 10 Peter Main Autumn Leaves 11D 12 Glen Komahcheet Plug Belts with Snake 12D 11 James Odra Smith "Country Lovin" 3D 06 Al Stohlman Grumpy Grizzley 1E 1 Shirley Peterson The Maple Leaf 1E 9 Karla VanHorne Western Classic Rose 2E 9 Joseph Nevills Stuffed Scroll Belt 6E 5 Silva Fox Coloring Long Day Done 3E 6 Peggy Culpepper Cougar, Puma, Mountain Lion, Panther Doodle page S 3D P 05 by Al Stohlman, and S 6E p 5 by Silva Fox are the two on top of my wishlist. Rgds Oyvind
  12. Thanks!! That really helped. Now I will just have to get back home next friday and take the measures of the canoe to start designing the bags, and then order some leather.
  13. I am planning to make a thwart bag and a bowbag for my cedarstrip canoe, but I just can't find any patterns suitable for use on these. I would like to have a pattern with traditional wilderness canoe paddling, but the only ones I can find is one old doodle page from The leatherfactory, and one old craftaid with an indian in a canoe. None of these are close to what I am looking for. I have found some pictures on the net, but I am not so good at Photoshop, so I don't think I am able to make the patter on my computer. If anyone has a tip on how to do it, then maybe I can be able to make it (and that would be great!!) Rgds Oyvind
  14. I have 2 old sewing machines which have been poorly stored for several years. Both of the are stuck, and I have been told one of them was in need of an adjustment when it was palced in storage. Do I have to get them serviced by a repairman or is this a job I can do myself? The one that needs adjustment is a PFAFF sewing machine and the other one is a Singer. When I got these machines I also got a huge green sewing machine which is supposed to stand upright on the floor (I was told it was used for sewing soles on shoes). I think it is almost 6 feet high and weighs several hundred pounds. Is it useable for anything else than anchoring a boat? In the same lot I got a huge clicker press and steh knives for all kinds of shoe soles, but I guess I can get of the press some time. All of this had been stored in a moist barn, so they need some work, but I hope I at least can get something to work. It didn't cost me a dime, so I don't have anything to loose anyway.
  15. I am norwegian as well, and I have to agree with you that the prices here are high and theere ain't to much to choose from. I think the store manager at Skinnlaaven is trying to get Peter Main to hold a course here in Norway some time this year, and Jim Linnell was here last fall, and I think they are trying to get him back here again as well. Try to call Skinnlaaven and speak to Arne Markussen (the store manager) he can usually get whatever they don't have in stock Jørn Jensen på Lillestrøm og Skinnlåven på Norderhov er vel de to eneste leverandørene her i Norge, men selv om prisene er stive, så blir det ganske ofte billigere å handle fra Skinnlåven enn å kjøpe det på net fra Tandy i Storbritannia. Sleng deg med på et kurs på åven så blir du kjent med folk. Arne Markussen er alltid med på kursene der, og de gir 10-15% rabatt der. JJensen er billigere på enkelte ting, men jeg synes ikke de har det helt store utvalget. Hilsen Øyvind på nordmøre
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