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Everything posted by Simbinas

  1. Does anyone have a recommendation to purchase #9 copper rivets? I am on the west coast and am buying through Tandy leather by the 50 pack (rivet and burr) but need to buy in quantity like by the pound. I have contacted a few places but they are no savings. Attached it the picture of the rivets we use, what type of rivet would you call this? Recommended suppliers? Also, we use Stimpson brand brass rolled rim grommets in #0 and #7. I buy on the Stimpson web store and contacted an a representative to buy the grommet machines and had some issues but his quoteon grommets was exactly the same as the webstore. Anyone dealt with quantity buying from Stimpson and getting their prices lower on grommets than the online price?
  2. I am in Oregon and have a small biz and I buy my thread from Hi-Tex but I do buy it wholesale so not sure if you have a business and can get a quote. Just thought that might be of help. Hopefully since your post, you already found what you were looking for. http://www.hitexcorp.com/
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