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Everything posted by tgidry

  1. Try www.leathergears.com the place is Rogers Manufacturing and his raw hide mauls start at 2 lbs. I don't know what his prices are. Tucker
  2. Thanks for the welcome. Parks is about 7 miles south of Breaux Bridge and Breaux Brige is right off I-10. It is a small farming community where everyone knows just about everyone in town. I'm slowly getting back into the craft. I lost alot of what i had accumilated due to a house fire 3 years ago so I'm buying my tools a little at a time and I'll have plenty of questions you can bet on that.
  3. Hey all, I'm TJ from south Louisiana, I stumbled on this forum while looking for plans for a stitching horse. I've been dabbling with leather for awhile now. I got introduced to leather working while in the 7th grade which is a long time ago. I have been doing mostly belts and some wallets but I'm going for more challenging things at least challenging for me that is. Later Tucker "TJ"
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