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  • Location
    Petoskey, Michigan
  • Interests
    Luxury Leather Handbags

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    Luxury Leather Handbags
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    Skiving, sewing, cutting luxury leather.
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  1. Gigi, I work for BMay Bags in Michigan. We just acquired this used Skiver as well. We've always hand skived smaller projects but are now wanting to skive the thick washed lambs that our designer loves using. Thanks for all your help! Best, Sonya
  2. Hi Gigi, Thank you for this video. This was very helpful! In fact, Dan in the video is our leather machinery distributor. Are you in the US? Thanks, Sonya Hi Gigi, Thank you for your response. I have made sure that the knife is extremely sharp and it has been deburred. I have used blue painters tape in the past. However, it would eventually bunch up the tape with the leather included between the roller wheel and blade. I am frustrated to say the least. Does anyone know of anyone state side that "may" be willing to do a site visit? Thank you again, Sonya Hi Jimi, I'm back to where I was last week. I think it has a lot to do with the thick washed lamb that I'm using. It's approximately 1/8" thick while being thick and squishy.... I feel like throwing this thing out the window!!! Best, Sonya
  3. Hi Gigi, Thank you for your response. I have made sure that the knife is extremely sharp and it has been deburred. I have used blue painters tape in the past. However, it would eventually bunch up the tape with the leather included between the roller wheel and blade. I am frustrated to say the least. Does anyone know of anyone state side that "may" be willing to do a site visit? Thank you again, Sonya Hi Jimi, I'm back to where I was last week. I think it has a lot to do with the thick washed lamb that I'm using. It's approximately 1/8" thick while being thick and squishy.... I feel like throwing this thing out the window!!! Best, Sonya
  4. Hi Jimi, I'm back to where I was last week. I think it has a lot to do with the thick washed lamb that I'm using. It's approximately 1/8" thick while being thick and squishy.... I feel like throwing this thing out the window!!! Best, Sonya
  5. Hi Jimi, I was able to fix our problem. It was exactly what the video showed. Again, thank you so much. Sonya
  6. Jimi- thank you so much. This video was extremely helpfui. I am now going to use his methods (or yours) to adjust ours. Best Regards, Sonya
  7. Hi Jimi, Here is a 2 photos that I hope will help you diagnose. Thank you for your attention to this. Best, Sonya
  8. Hi All, My name is Sonya and I'm new to this site and forum. The company that I work for just purchased a FAV AV2 Skiver. We have messed up the original settings on the machine and now I am unable to skive. Originally when we bought the machine it was skiving great. However, when we started using different types of leather, we had to adjust the feed roller, foot pedal etc. Since making these accommodations for the different leathers, we are unable to feed the leather through as well as it's not skiving. When I do get the blade to engage to skive, it eats the leather. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Sonya
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