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Everything posted by Misterbeesleather

  1. How do you stitch plastic sleeve inserts into a wallet? I have some that look like the ones in this link https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07MWBS8BJ?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image I'm going to put them in a bifold. I tried looking in the forums for an answer but couldn't find something similar enough? If you have pictures that would be great - thank you
  2. I'm not so much a beginner in leatherwork itself. But i am a newb on selling handmade leather goods. I'm looking for advice as to how to start a buisness. I tried selling on etsy and it went ok but it wasn't really a buisness. Does anyone have any ideas on where i could start? There is this farmers market every saturday in my city and i was thinking I could try selling there. Im open to any ideas whether it be online or out in the real world. What worked for you?
  3. Merry christmas! For Christmas I got this deer hide that my great grandpa shot and killed while hunting years ago. He never made anything out of it but my grandma (his daughter) wants me to do something with it if i can. Any ideas of something really cool i can make from it? All Ideas welcome!
  4. Thank you all for the help. I like Ian atkinson's videos they have helped me alot. I think I will go with the contact cement and just put it under my stitch lines carefully.
  5. I'm new to leatherwork. I'm looking for a glue I can use to stick leather pieces together so I can stitch them perfectly without all the parts moving around. Are there any glues I can use that can only stick temporarily And won't destroy my leather when I try to make my wallets. Thank you so much!
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