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    New Jersey

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  1. Bought it, tried it. Its alright but not what I'm looking for. Its ok for some applications but not exactly what I was looking for. Renia is much thicker than what I previously used, takes longer to dry and the residue between layers is to heavy. Thanks for the tip. The search continues
  2. Thanks again, sounds like what I'm looking for. It's flexability after drying was a concern. Its 18 bucks for a sm quanity. Well worth a try.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. Any personal experience using it? Basically going to use it for glueing bag straps and folded edges on pockets/gussets.
  4. I lost my vendor info and badly need to restock on glue. What I had and would like to find again is: non toxic, latex, water based, contact cement. It goes for around $125 for a 5 Gal bucket. Paint a light coat on, dries in 3-5 minutes. Light tacky feeling to the touch but an amazing grip after a gentle pressing of glued surfaces while being perfectly flexable. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
  5. I do use it and it has its advantages. What Im looking for is a lot more versitle and not quite as heavy. Not to mention the fumes.
  6. Good afternoon leather folks. I have a small business, Martini Custom Leather in NJ. Custom bags, belts, sheaths, repairs. I like to think well rounded. Hoping to see some interesting work and post/ get some feed back on some of mine. Also trade info. Iv got a glue question posted as well. 1st time forum user, let's see how it goes
  7. Odd question. I lost a great deal of my vendor information including my glue supplier. The description is as follows: non toxic, water based, latex, contact cement. It comes in a 5 gallon bucket and goes for about $125. I'm out of search ideas on google and haven't been able to find a suitable replacement. Any help would be most appreciated.
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