Hi there, I found a forum "thread" from 2012 and I have a question similar and wonder if anyone can help! The info about decreasing the hook oiler was great and helped. But I'm wondering if I have a different oil issue.
I have a Juki 1541S (actually a Yamata knock off) it is new. I am using it to bind notebooks, all paper. When sewing, oil starts to splatter from above the needle and of course splatters on the covers of the notebooks and oil surrounds the holes of each stitch. I've seen the oil drip down the needle. My first question is: Is there a way to regulate the oil from the wick up on top of the machine? The extra oil release is not consistent but happens enough to lose many notebooks.
I had decreased the hook oiler when I first had this issue and it helped. I did oil the machine very very slightly yesterday so maybe it was already over oiled.....
Really appreciate any ideas. The machine is new to me and still working out the kinks. I'm attaching a photo where you will see lines of sewing with oil surrounding each hole. Sometimes it is less than starts more oil inconsistently.
Thanks! and all the best,