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Everything posted by JVebbs

  1. Hi, I’m new to leather work and always thought it would be fun to make my own shield. I’ve read tons and searched even more and I found this site. I’ve read through a number of threads on here and looked at many of the members shields. You all are extremely talented and have made some of the most impressive shields I’ve seen so far. I apologize if this is out of line but I’m horrible with sketch art and would like to have some dies made like some of you have suggested and done. I’ve looked for a while for outlines of shields so I can have shape and sizes to send to someone to have it made but I can’t find one. Is there anyone who could share with me where I could call and have some made and is anyone willing to send me a sketch of the ones I’d like to do? Again I apologize I don’t want to be stealing anyone’s ideas but I’m having an issue with finding actual sizes and shapes so I can simply get started. I really like the one Chris has shown here and have seen a few others work I really am wanting to try. Thank you in advance. Josh
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