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Posts posted by christine1ca

  1. Hello! I am looking for this tool used to fold the leather on a watch band. I work with a local metal worker and it looks easy enough to duplicate (would be happy to purchase, but have never seen it for sale). I'm just wondering - is the edge where the metal touches the leather sharp? If you watch the video, they are also using the portion on the top as a guide for how much leather to fold. Would love to know that distance. About the 4:38 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwrPYJ4Q0go


  2. I bought this on Amazon back in April when we were first in shelter-in-place and I couldn't access the studio where I usually did my embossing. As a professional, I'll give you an honest review - it does a nice job of laying down foil with thin lettering and small dies. It does not give a very deep impression, but if you are just doing monograms, it gets the job done. In perfect working order. Great deal for the price. $250 with this set of letters (which are $212 with tax on their own), so you basically get the machine for free:



    Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 11.15.39 AM.png

  3. Has anyone tried sanding their clear gloss? I've used it effectively on thin leathers as a final top coat after the paint is totally smooth and dry , but just tried it on a thicker leather and on the larger surface, it ever so slightly dripped and finished unevenly. Wondering if I could sand with 600 or higher grit and reapply. I think I also need to thin it down with water so I can apply a thinner coat.

  4. Thanks, guys! Dwight - I purchased that same belt sander from Harbor Freight and am pleased with the results. (I don't do gun holsters or anything with concave curves, so it worked fine for me.) I'm almost tempted to mark my stitchline a little more than 1/8" from the edge with the plan to sand down even more since that might be a quicker way to get the edges lined up for painting. 

  5. interesting, thanks! i have a harbor freight coupon sitting on my desk because i was looking at that exact machine. 

    in terms of messing stuff up, i was worried about slipping slightly and sanding the face. so that's what i thought that machine in the link where i could place the product on a flat surface and slide it toward the machine would be better than having it in the air. but maybe you do that same thing with the lip on the harbor freight machine?

  6. Hi guys! I'm new to the forum and excited to be here. I've been trying to fix this for 2 days now. I am stitching felt onto 7 oz veg tan. I can get a beautiful straight stitch. For the backstitch only, I get the top thread looping at the bottom. Attached are images of what I mean, as well as an image of the machine I'm using (Highlead/Artisan 2698-1). I've tried adjusting the tension, changing the needle and different thread thicknesses. I thread the needle with the foot up. I've tested it about 100 times and if I wanted to do this, I'm now confident I could do it every time. Its the same result with every thread combination. But I don't want to do it this way, so any help would be appreciated.


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