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About Cymro29k3

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  • Location
    Gwynedd, Wales

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Bag making
  • Interested in learning about
    The 29k-3 Machines
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  1. Thank you very much for all your help, constabulary. Kind regards. Arwel
  2. Everything is straight, cleaned and oiled. The parts you mentioned all move fluidly and flawlessly. I am using the correct needles and they have been installed correctly. I'm guessing, for a 116 year old machine that parts are worn and I was expecting that. But I was also expecting her to stitch but it's clear that a previous owner has, most definitely been messing with the machine and trying to remove parts and failed. There are broken screws, missing screws and marks here and there, consistent with my theory. I don't know how long the machine was standing idle before I got her and the insides were practically bone dry. She isn't producing stitches although she does pick up the bottom thread initially. As I've said before, the problem is with the needle piercing the leather too early, thus stopping the leather from feeding. When I attempt to run the machine with no thread, only 1 hole is produced in the leather because the leather isn't feeding. I shall try another few suggestions that I've been offered here. Thank you very much for your input. Arwel.
  3. Thank you so much, constabulary. Do you have any tips for removing the pin? I don't particularly want to start hammering it out!
  4. You're right, it is out of sync. I don't think the cam has been changed (although I'm no expert of course) and there's a pin that goes through the end of the cam, through the shaft and out the other end of the cam. That looks like it's been there for centuries! But there are marks on the handwheel that look like somebody has been frantically trying to remove the handwheel and the belt pulley...and failed, hence the missing screws and broken heads!! Maybe they were trying to fix this very same problem??
  5. Hahaha yes, it may look a bit harsh but I didn't want to paint her just like all the rest...black! Plus, my printer cannot print the desired shade of gold so I didn't fancy printing new decals in a kind of dirty yellowy/mustard colour! So I printed them in shades of grey! You know, I have no clue who I could send the file too. I'm certain that nobody does laser cutting around here. Thank you very much though, it was very kind of you to offer the drawing. Diolch Arwel
  6. Hi Glenn and thanks for that. Unfortunately, it makes no difference if I adjust that wingnut. It does raise the foot but the fabric/leather still doesn't feed. It looks to me like the needle comes down a second or two too early which causes it to pin down the fabric before the foot has finished feeding the fabric through.
  7. As you can see, the foot lift lever has long since snapped and I'm struggling to find a replacement as the current one isn't the correct shape for this model, according to the book/manual anyway.
  8. This is so not user friendly on my mobile phone!! I painted her myself.. The quality of the videos I am able to upload are terrible too!! This is so difficult to do on this phone! Yes, all that makes sense. I've noticed that one of the screws holding the hand wheel is broken and a screw is missing from the big wiggly pulley thingy on the main shaft! Therefore it looks like I probably won't be able to fix it myself. I don't have the tools to remove the broken screw.
  9. Sorry for the quality of the vid. It just won't allow me to upload a better quality vid but I shall take some photos. MOV_1224.mp4
  10. Awww thank you my friend. Very kind of you. Thank you kind sir. I've no idea what I'm doing here. It doesn't help that I'm on this site on my phone!
  11. Hey all. I'm Arwel from North Wales. I'm new here and don't have much experience with these old boot patcher machines so please be gentle with me! I need the benefit of your expertise guys. I'm rather stumped! I have a Singer 29k-3 that I've only just recently bought. It took me a while to clean her up, oil her and loosen her up. She was built in 1902 and now runs OK, considering her age. The only thing is this: for the life of me, I cannot get her to sew! I've studied every inch of her, read up as much as I could find about her to no avail. It's obvious to me (even though my experience is with domestic machines and industrial lockstitch machines) that the needle on the 29k has already pierced the fabric before the foot has finished feeding the fabric through. Therefore, the fabric doesn't feed and doesn't produce stitches. I've tried everything I can think of and tbh, it doesn't seem like these machines have very much in the way of possible adjustments so I honestly don't know what to do next! Please help guys! Thank you in advance. Oh and, yeah, I painted her! I'm sorry if you guys don't approve! Arwel
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