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Everything posted by Teslabolt

  1. You share my sentiments. I am a sucker for the classics. Thank you for the info!
  2. Noted, thanks. Seems that's that demise of anything with build quality as a feature. Efficiency and profit prevail.
  3. It appears that the newer one is also missing a speed reducer, which is about $170, I believe. Are the newer ones less robust than the older model? That seems to be the trend in anything new versus vintage. Same components for example? Thanks
  4. I am trying to decide between a well-maintained 206RB-1 and a new 205RB-5 $1,300 shipped for the 206RB-1 and would include: Servo Motor Roller guide Speed Reducer Table Knee Lift $1,500 for the 206RB-5 - includes table and servo motor. Local pickup. What are the advantages, if any, of going with a new model? I am a sucker for vintage. Thanks!
  5. Making a journal and wondering if this cracking on the backside will be okay so far as longevity goes. I did skive down the middle on the inside to help with the fold. 8/9oz bridle leather from RockyMountainLeatherSupply Thoughts?
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