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Everything posted by 24capt

  1. Can anyone direct me to a supplier of quality spring buckles in 5/8'. Im looking for the 105z from Batz Corp but in different colors. Thx
  2. Thank you Rebecca Ill check it out...
  3. Can anyone direct me to a supplier that sells a 2" snap hook that looks just like this one? I know they exist because I have seen them, but it's not as simple as "Google it". The key is 2". Any help is much appreciated, I have been at it awhile... Thanks
  4. Yea I checked that one out, great site with a lot of selection, but still no go on the specific snap hook I pictured at the top in 2". You would think it wouldn't be that hard to find but for some reason it is, which is why I'm here. Thanks for pitching in BattleAx, I'll keep looking. Tom
  5. great site with alot of selection, but unfortunately 1" is as large as they carry. Thanks anyway LatigoAmigo.
  6. Checked those sites and they just have plastic or a cheaper version of the one pictured. Thanks Jeff for the lead though. Still searching.... Tom
  7. Can anyone direct me to a company that sells 2'' fix loop snap hooks? I've already checked Tandy, Weaver & Springfield. Looking for the best price but can't buy 500 at a time, more like 25-50. Thank you
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