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Everything posted by Kolton45

  1. I would like to improve my leather carving and I was looking into getting a better swivel knife but I am not sure which maker to go with I was looking at the barry king ones but I wasnt sure what barrel size to choose all I have right now is the rubber one from tandy and I dont feel comfortable with it thanks for and help or info in advance
  2. Thank you for the advise and information I'll let you know how I make out with it
  3. I did not cut it maybe I will cut it and try again one other problem I was having was bubbles everytime the brush was passing over a tooled impression was I just pressing too hard on the brush? I also have bees wax and neatsfoot oil but I have never used that mixture before and not sure if that will lock in the dye or not
  4. First time posting on here so not sure if I posted in the right spot or not. But I have just finished an archery back quiver made of veg tan. tooled and dyed with eco flo gel antique in the saddle tan color and now it's time for a top coat I tried using resolene but came out very streaky so I removed with rubbing alcohol and am wondering if it could use leather balm with atom wax as a top coat and still prevent dye from bleeding and still be kinda water resistant.
  5. First time posting on here so not sure if I posted in the right spot or not. But I have just finished an archery back quiver made of veg tan. tooled and dyed with eco flo gel antique in the saddle tan color and now it's time for a top coat I tried using resolene but came out very streaky so I removed with rubbing alcohol and am wondering if it could use leather balm with atom wax as a top coat and still prevent dye from bleeding and still be kinda water resistant. I tried to include pictures but it's not working
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