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Everything posted by Kolton45

  1. Yeah looking back on it I wish he woulda told me he was gona use it for a work belt. He just told me the tooling and everything he wanted so i assumed he wanted it as more of a dress belt
  2. Thanks for the replys and I usually use olive oil to get my desired darkness then finish with tan kote
  3. Hey so I got some questions about lining belts, most of the belts I've made have just been single ply due to having to hand stitch everything but I've made a few that are lined I use 8-9oz with a 2-3oz liner all Hermann oak and they all turned out good and seem to be holding up good except one the liner is starting to crack up the guy wears it to work everyday and he works construction the belt is just about 2 years old I'm wondering if theres something I coulda done different to make it last longer or if it's just due to abuse and nothing I coulda done different
  4. Hey so I'm slowing starting to get my bacement leatherwork shop put together and I just built a 4x8 rolling workbench and was thinking about making shelves underneath for leather storage and enclosing it to keep light and the puppy away but am nervous about the leather getting ruined in the bacement it is a finished bacement and I'm probably just paranoid about wasting good leather I have 3 full sheets of pegboard that I would like to use sence I already have it but not sure if solid plywood would be better and to put some kind of a humidor set up inside or is that just over kill
  5. Hey so I'm about to be picking up a custom made flintlock and I'd like to make a scabbard for it I'm wondering what the best style of stitching or lacing would be the best for it I've made one in the past and saddle stitched it but obviously took forever sence I dont have a sewing machine I was thinking about cutting some thick lace and doing like a buck stitch on it but wasnt sure about the strength last one I made was out of brain tanned buffalo and km thinking I might have enough for this new gun as well but also thinking about doing it in eg tan and doing some tooling on it and help or advise would be appreciated
  6. So what I learned is that if you see next to the 3 and 1 there is an equal looking sign the 2 dashes and that means it's a B grade supposedly if its 1 dash is A, 2 is B, 3 is C,
  7. I was wondering if anyone knows how Hermann oak Mark's theres grades of leather I was told these 2 were b grade from the stamp Mark's and it made me curious of what the other stamps look like for there other grades
  8. Awsome work I got some questions for you I'm also a trapper and have 4 beaver tails in trying to self tan. Do you have any tips on skinning the tails? I always mess up at the end where it gets real thin and also did you dye that tail that color or did the tannery dye and how is the leather to work with?
  9. I tried all that expect I didnt use the oven and it helped alot but still had some curl on the edges
  10. Yeah I was after I noticed the problem I figured if I woulda used a thicker peice of leather it probably wouldn't curl as much and its dry wall I might try the double sided tape next
  11. So I made one of these light switch covers from the springfeild leather pattern pack and I was wondering is there anything i can/ could have done to prevent the corners from curling its 7-8oz hermann oak and i tried flattening it after tooling and all sorts of stuff like that and even glued it to some posterboard which helped alot but still not perfect any tips for future projects would be appreciated thank you in advance
  12. I'd like to purchase an awl for hand stitching and I'm looking for recommendation on makers and sizing I have never used one before so it's all new to me but I'm the kind of guy that would rather buy one quality tool vs 5 cheap tools
  13. I'm interested in buying a sewing machine so that I could speed up some of my work but I have no clue about anything related to sewing machines I do mostly small items likes belts, wallets, holsters and that kind of stuff what are some recommendations on beginner machines? I know of a guy selling a landis 16 but that seems like it's pretty big for what I would be using it for
  14. I just had someone ask me to duplicate a belt they were given in the 60s but I'm having trouble locating this stamp any help would be appreciated
  15. Glad I went with the black and heres the finished photo
  16. So I'm making this clutch wallet for someone as a present but cant deside wether to go black or white buckstitch
  17. It's taken me alot of self control to not oil it yet haha just wasnt sure what is the best method for a natural patina
  18. I'm in south eastern pa they are a few hours from me
  19. So I just finished a new wallet pattern and wanted to keep it just natural beg tan and let it patina over time but I'm not sure if i should simply just keep it 100%natural or if i should oil it lightly first
  20. Hi so I wanted to try an buckstitch a wallet for the first time but I am just curious on how strong it is I typically saddle stitch everything but I have had a few people request buckstitching so I figured I'd give it a go just not sure if I need to saddle stitch it as well as buckstitch or if the glue is strong enough to hold it together on it's own and the buckstitch is just decorative
  21. I recently bought the how to buckstitch book by al stohlman from tandy leather online but I noticed it seems to have alot of duplicate pages and missing pages I was wondering if anyone else has had this same problem
  22. What do you use to spray the resolene would the tandy mister bottle work or do you use an airbrush
  23. I was actually gona try and spray it with my tandy spray bottle but I wasnt sure if it would ruin it or not deffinetly gona give it a try
  24. So I'm working on a batch of wallets for a wedding party and I used acrylic resolene to act as a resist I did 2 coats and then applied feibings med brown antique paste and let them sit for about a day and went to put that final top coat of acrylic resolene on them and noticed how much antique was getting lifted and smeared around so I stopped to see if there is any better options for a top coat that I could you onto of the existing 2 coats if acrylic resolene. I have tan kote leather balm with atom was neatlac in the aerosol can and sheridan resist
  25. Ok I'll have to try that thank you
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