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Posts posted by Bant

  1. Some pictures of the knife would, in my opinion, would be nice to see where the issues are.  I've never done the electrolysis, but I've used vinegar, which has worked, but the soak time varies. Two other possibilities; 1)  Contact Osborne and see if they might be of assistance and 2)  Seek out a pro who might be able to help.  From my perspective, if the cost of going that direction is affordable to rectify the situation, it may well be a good approach.

    With the later, take a look at Bladeforums.com.  If posting another site for help is verbotten I apologize.



  2. I've been eyeing this set of stitching chisel's and have seen a set that I think would work, since I don't stitch all that often.


    I also would appreciate thoughts regarding size selection. Thanks




  3. I'd suggest looking at their website, get their number and give them a call.  They don't object to calls regarding their products.  I've done business with them and have nothing but good feelings about them.

    Edit to add Horsewright's number  661 822 4941



  4. Gentlemen, thanks much for the responses.  I'm merely a hobbist but have been asked to do a knife sheath with a snake skin inlay on the front.  So, what's  left of my mind, has told me that instead of just gluing the snake skin to the back side ofthe sheath, it would be a good idea to to stitch around the perimeter as well.  That led me to the thoughtthat a groove forthe stitches would be a good idea.  Thus the genesis of the original question.  That being said, I'm wide open to suggestions as to how to procede.  I just don't want to screw this up as the skin is a stunning example of Copperhead.


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