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Posts posted by michi

  1. Hi

    We are saddlemakers in Austria, Europe and we are looking for a toolmakers, leathersuppliers, silversmiths and teaches :) ) in the USA. My husband is the saddlemaker but me and your employee do all the tooling and so we three decided to make a trip to the states in 2010.

    One of the most interesting things for us is a leather trade show, where we can see and try the items of our suppliers.

    As we don’t know all the leather trade shows, it would be very helpful for us if you could recommend us one….

    Is it correct that the Rocky Mountain Leather Trade show is the biggest one?

    Have you heard from a show in elko, nevada, at Trina Weber’s ?

    Or is there simply another really big show, which you would recommend us?

    We would be very grateful for your advice….

    Best regards

    Michi Mayrhofer

  2. Hi

    I asked this about a year ago, but i didn't explain good enough what I mean.

    Now I have the necessary pictures to make clear what i am looking for.

    We use clips with dees on our saddles to enable customers to attach strings to the saddle when they go to a trailride.

    As my husband (saddlemaker) wants to use the long version in size 5/8 (! not 3/4!!!) we are not glad with she short verison in ss.

    Picture shortClipss.jpg shows the one in ss which is too short

    longClipNickel.jpg is a great shape, but it is not ss, but nickel.

    We do know, that this long clip in ss exists, because we saw it on a saddle. So anyone on this world does produce this item.

    Does anybody out there know, where we can buy this item?

    Clip with dee, 5/8", long version, in ss......

    My husband is asking me for this item every second day, so if I want to become glad again --- I's better find this item... :)

    Thanks a lot






  3. hi

    My name is Michaela (michi) and I just registered to this page.

    Toni, my husband, and me, we are saddlemakers in Austria, Europe.

    I was very glad to find this website, because we are the only saddlemakers in our country and therefore there are no other people to talk about our profession....

    The reason why I searched the web today was the following:

    We are looking for a supplier for steel saddle horns for a ropingsaddle.

    We build our saddletrees ourself and roping is not yet very popular in Austria. As a customer ordered a roping saddle now, we need to find such a horn.

    Can anybody help me?


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