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Everything posted by GnewVFL

  1. Ive been wanting to make a belt for a while. Please critique. Thanks
  2. Thanks Eric! I started buying blue guns recently but at $50 a pop I’m kinda having to pick and choose popular pistol makes first. So far I have molds for 9 glocks and a universal 1911 . I’ve been ordering from customknifekits.com as they’ve been the cheapest I can find. Finally got my slot punch! Hopefully the next ones look professional. Thanks again guys
  3. This is my 7th holster and while I’m progressing with help from guys on here I’m still making tons of mistakes! Finally ordered a punch tool for the belt slots so that will be better on the next one. I smooshed the back side of the holster during the wet form bc I got it a little too tight and had to work it in. I realize now that I lose a lot of whatever design I carve during the wet form process. What do you guys use for a spacer/rail over the sights so the weapon is not so right on the draw? All critiques are really helping me out I know I need the guidance. Thanks
  4. Any info is much appreciated! Someone anyone help lol
  5. Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I’m to the point where I need to speed up production time/ quality of my holsters. I saw several videos of people making their own out of arbor presses etc. I’m looking for something a little nicer and specifically made for cutting leather. I keep reading good reviews on the 4 ton Weaver mighty wonder press at around $1400 or the 8 ton around 2k. Is the 4 ton capable of cutting 8-9 oz leather? I will not be using anything thicker and the press would be solely for holster making. If I sound like a rookie it’s because I am. Thanks
  6. Hello everyone, I’m looking for tips/ Tandy tool numbers in reference to Sheridan style projects. Any advice is much appreciated. Please critique. Thanks guys
  7. Thank you Nick! First one I’ve done with contrasting colors and I really like it. Working hard to get better! Thanks for all the advice
  8. Wow. Great advice. So good to to get on here and get guidance from you guys with all this experience it’s making all the difference for me . I would love to do leatherwork for myself full time eventually. I know it’s a long shot but that’s the goal. I’m 31 and currently work at a steel mill so there’s several guys here ready to bring me their pistols, also I was in the army so I have friends all over the country that are contacting me trying to get on my “ waiting list”. The last 2 weeks I’ve had almost 15 people contact me wanting holsters before Christmas. I’ve been buying gun molds ( most glocks and a universal 1911) trying to make a few in advance but everyone wants custom holsters so it makes it difficult to premake. I’m glad people are taking notice through social media but most want a “ deal” and I don’t think they understand the work that goes into the project. I purchased a makers mark stamp today hoping that would my holsters look more professional therefore adding to the value. Thanks again guys Grant
  9. Hello all. I recently started leatherwork and the more I progress I make the more I have people asking me about making gun holsters for them. I’m interested in Sheridan style and custom carved holsters all hand sewed w wax thread and using Herman Oak leather. I’m ab to get my makers mark stamp in the next few days. I know this probably sounds dumb to a lot of you guys that have been doing this for awhile but any advice is appreciated! Thanks Grant
  10. Thanks! Applying what everyone is telling me on here has really helped me out
  11. Thanks! You’re exactly right ab the belt slot. Since I posted the picture I worked on it and cleaned it up a lot little things make a huge difference! Thank you for all the advice
  12. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the compliments.
  13. He said said he was helping me fix it lol at least he is interested I guess. More pics of things I’m making coming soon please critique! It has already made a difference for me and I appreciate it.
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